Home omicron relaysimtest distributed protection testing software
OMICRON RelaySimTest Distributed Protection Testing SoftwareSoftware for simulation-based, distributed protection testingRelaySimTest is a unique software for simulation-based, distributed protection testing in the field, using one or more CMC test sets. Its application-oriented testing can reveal failures created during calculations as well as during setup of the relay or a protection scheme, requiring only a minimum of test¬steps.Modern protective relays use complex algorithms and adapt to network and failures. Simple function tests are often no longer sufficient for testing such relays. RelaySimTest covers these new demands with a transient simulation of the primary power system. Application-oriented tests are independent from relay type, manufacturer and detailed parameters. The protection behavior is the only thing that counts.With RelaySimTest, you can control all connected CMCs for the test from one ¬PC. Remote CMCs can be controlled via a simple Internet connection. This results in the simplest distributed testing possible for systems such as teleprotection or line differential protection, regardless of how many CMC test sets are used.Key features• Application-oriented testing of protection systems independent of relay¬type and manufacturer• Distributed testing made easy by controlling multiple CMCs from one application via any Internet access• Testing of advanced relay functions for example, power swings, transient ground faults, capacitive line phenomena, complex teleprotection and adaptive protection schemes