Home megger tcm 915s timer control monitor unit
MEGGER TCM-915S Timer-Control-Monitor UnitFifteen voltage wet or dry inputs, Nine output contacts & Stand-alone capability.This versatile instrument is designed as a sequence of events recorder, to monitor and time inputs and enable the user to conditionally control outputs, to simulate circuit breaker, reclose and carrier control operation in a real-time environment.The TCM-915S may also be used as a stand-alone instrument to monitor and measure the operating times of up to fifteen device inputs change(s) of state. In addition, stimuli can be provided by the nine output contacts of the TCM-915S to enable the user to perform a complete operational test. A key feature of the unit is the ability to save and reload programmed test sequences. The TCM-915S can be quickly set up for the defined configuration, allowing the test to be completed in the minimum amount of time.