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Omicron CIBANO 500 3-in-1 Test System for Medium- and High-Voltage Circuit Breakers 

OMICRON CIBANO 500 3-in-1 Test System for Medium- and High-Voltage Circuit Breakers 
  • One system for medium or high-voltage circuit breakers with live or dead tank design
  • Coil and motor current analysis
  • Static contact resistance test (micro-ohm measurement)

Product Details

OMICRON CIBANO 500 3-in-1 Test System for Medium- and High-Voltage Circuit Breakers

The CIBANO 500 circuit breaker test system combines a micro-ohmmeter, timing analyzer, and a coil and motor supply in a single device. This enables all important circuit breaker tests to be carried out even when a station battery is not available.

With the 3-in-1 system all types of circuit breakers (medium- and high-voltage circuit breakers with live and dead tank design) can be tested. It features a globally unique connection technology which considerably reduces the wiring effort and time required. In addition, OMICRON's Primary Test Manager Software (PTM) ensures convenient operation and delivers one clear, combined report for all the tests performed.

The innovative accessories can be used to extend the scope of testing as well as increase convenience and safety during testing.

Key Features

3-in-1 system: micro-ohmmeter, timing analyzer, and AC/DC power supply
One system for medium or high-voltage circuit breakers with live or dead tank design
Low wiring effort
One clear report for all tests
Lightweight test system (20 kg / 44.1 lbs)


The following 5 standard tests can be carried out on all circuit breakers using CIBANO 500:

Static contact resistance test (micro-ohm measurement)
Timing tests
Coil and motor current analysis
Minimum pick-up test
Undervoltage condition test

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