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Megger MGTR GPS Timing Reference

MEGGER MGTR GPS Timing Reference 
  • Easy to use Programmable Output Pulse for Synchronized end-to-end testing
  • 100 ns Accuracy within minutes of startup, 12-channel GPS Timing Receiver
  • Most advanced characteristics of the MGTR unit are the Intelligent Holdover and FastStart features

Product Details

MEGGER MGTR GPS Timing Reference

Small and Lightweight. Easy to use Programmable Output Pulse for Synchronized end-to-end testing. 100 ns Accuracy within minutes of startup, 12-channel GPS Timing Receiver. Near-Rubidium stability during temporary GPS signal loss.

The Megger MGTR is a GPS satellite receiver system that performs end-to-end tests of line protection schemes with Megger MPRT and Pulsar relay test systems.

The MGTR is small, lightweight, and field portable. It provides a precise Programmed Output Pulse (POP), with 100 nanoseconds of resolution. This output pulse provides a trigger synchronization of two or more MPRT or PULSAR test systems to less than ±1 µ Sec of the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

The MGTR consists of a twelve-channel GPS timing receiver integrated with proprietary microprocessor-controlled timing and interface logic. The MGTR simultaneously tracks all available GPS satellites. The microprocessor-controlled timing and interface logic derives precise timing information. In addition, the MGTR provides a standard 1 Pulse Per Second (PPS), and ASCII serial time message, external event time-tag, a 10 MHz output signal and most importantly, a Programmable Output Pulse for performing end-to-end tests.

The unit comes with a 50 foot (15.2 m) long cable and all-weather, high-performance, high noise immunity antenna with an integrated low-noise preamplifier. The antenna comes with a 4 inch tall antenna mount.
Control of the MGTR is through a standard RS-232 serial connection and an adapter cable with a 9-pin D-sub connector. Software is provided to communicate to, and control the MGTR unit.

Product Description

The Megger MGTR GPS Timing Reference is easy to use Programmable Output Pulse for Synchronized end-to-end testing. This test instrument from Megger features 100 ns accuracy within minutes of startup and 12-channel GPS Timing Receiver. It comes with one of the most advanced characteristics of the MGTR unit namely the the Intelligent Holdover and FastStart features.

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